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Superhero on top of the world with meme caption "how it feels to find your dream customers

Understanding and Marketing to Your Dream Customers

October 18, 20234 min read

(Proof that Entrepreneurs are Superheroes)

Holding customers in the palm of your hand. Making sure you understand customer needs.

When it comes to marketing, understanding your target audience is the key to success. In fact, everything begins and ends with the market problem that your dream customers face. You must thoroughly understand their perspectives to create and market products to them successfully – to “speak their language…” so to speak. Through research and feedback, entrepreneurs learn more about their customers such as their likes, dislikes, preferences, and behavior. As a result, you can improve engagement and marketing strategies to serve your customers better. So… how do superheroes do it?

Watching superheroes swoop in to save the day never gets old. Their quick reflexes, super strength, and lightning-fast speed make for an exciting display of heroism. But have you ever wondered how they know who to save? Do they have some sort of sixth sense that allows them to detect danger? Here are a couple of ways you can take a page out of the superhero playbook to supercharge your marketing efforts.

First, superheroes always have their finger on the pulse of the city. They have honed their instincts over years of crime-fighting and can quickly assess a situation to determine who needs their help the most. For example, if there's a group of people in danger, they'll prioritize the most vulnerable members first. They have a keen sense of empathy. They know what's going on, who needs help, and where they need to go. They don't just stumble upon the need for saving, they actively seek it out.

In the same way, you need to know everything about your ideal customer. You need to know their pain points, their desires, their likes and dislikes, and where they spend their time. This information helps you create products and services that solve their problems and meet their needs.

Understanding why people buy a product or service is a fundamental aspect of marketing. People buy on emotion and justify with logic. It's crucial to drill down to customers' deeper motivations to create messaging that speaks their language. Knowing your dream customers inside and out will help you create messaging that resonates and builds trust. This isn't just about demographics; it's about understanding their desires, motivations, and pain points.

Tailored messaging is crucial when it comes to marketing success. When you know your customers' needs, you can craft messages that speak to them directly, aka, “speak their language.” Understanding your dream customers can help you create compelling content that solves their problems while staying true to their interests. This approach will increase your chances of getting their attention, engagement and, eventually, their business.

Second, superheroes use their powers of observation. They are highly attuned to their surroundings. They're always listening for cries of help and monitoring the city for signs of trouble. Similarly, entrepreneurs need to be listening to their customers. This means engaging in conversations on social media, monitoring reviews, and actively seeking feedback. By listening to customers, you can learn about them, their wants, needs and desires beyond the easy "why." You can get a sense of the language they use that you can translate into your messaging to increase engagement. Listening helps to get into the minds of your ideal customers.

Pinpoint Market Problems (Customer Pain Points): Get to the REAL “Why”

It is relatively easy to get to “a” why. It is a whole other level to get to the REAL Why. For instance, a small business owner may want to expertly market their business "so they can increase revenue/grow their business." That is the easy “why.” Deeper, emotionally connected reasons to effectively market and grow their business is to increase revenue so they can:

·        Feel like they are an entrepreneurial success (flip side: Fear failure)

·        Feel confident and proud (flip side: Feel defeated)

·        Feel like they can support themselves/family (flip side: family in poverty)

·        Feel like they “made it” (flip side: Feel like they failed)

·        Feel admired (flip side: Feel judged)

·        Feel financially free, more time with family, vacations, rest (flip side: STRESSED and no time/money)

·        Feel hopeful/excited (flip side: trapped, like there is no way out/no back-up plan)

This requires a deeper dive than the obvious why, and takes time and some soul-searching to really get into the minds of your ideal customers. Once you get to the “real why,” you can start effectively marketing to your ideal customer.

For help in uncovering your customers’ “real why,” book a free strategy call to discuss how to get to the real why and how we can help supercharge your marketing.

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Verona Macdonell

Verona Macdonell CEO, Bold and Social In the fast-paced arena of marketing, Verona Macdonell stands as an unwavering force, boasting an astounding 25+ year legacy in the industry. A true maestro of marketing strategies, Verona's journey began with a burning passion for crafting campaigns that resonate and inspire. With a keen eye for precision targeting and a data-driven approach, Verona's expertise transcends conventional marketing practices. Her strategies have not only weathered the shifting tides of the digital landscape but have emerged as beacons of success for countless businesses.

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